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Based on “Economic issues”.

Rural cancer patients face lack of specialists, long trips for treatment

As fire chief in Kingsburg, a small town in California’s Central Valley, Tim Ray has done more than battle blazes in the past few years. Actual fires here are relatively few, in fact. These days, Ray, a trim 52-year-old with clipped moustache and gentle eyes, oversees a kind of volunteer medical transportation service, hustling patients from this idyllic town—settled by Swedish immigrants in the 1870s and still bedecked with “Välkommen” welcome signs—as far as 20 miles away, to a hospital in Fresno.

For too many, affordable housing is still out of reach

Nearly a decade after the housing market crisis and collapse, home ownership still remains out of reach for many Americans. The demand for rentals has shot up, and unsurprisingly so have rents, creating an economic catch-22.