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Based on “Featured News”.

Congressional proposal could mean big changes for rural America

The Congressional Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has proposed adjustments to the way that rural counties are defined Currently, counties are considered “rural” if they contain less than 50,000 residents. The proposed change will increase that figure to 100,000.

Pharmacy deserts could impact vaccine distribution

A recent analysis by the Rural Policy Research Institute sheds light on “pharmacy deserts” or counties with few or no local pharmacies. In-depth research shows that 111 rural counties, mostly between the Mississippi River and the Rocky Mountains, have no pharmacies.

Climate change endangers Hopi corn yields

Climate change is having a devastating effect on Tribal agriculture in the American Southwest. The Hopi Tribe uses corn as both a dietary and cultural staple, using it in everything from nutrition to birthing ceremonies. The Hopi rely on summer monsoons to nourish their crops but last year exceptionally poor rainfall devastated crop yields.