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Indigenous voices, immersive experiences: RCAC helps Navajo Nation tourism venture overcome pandemic challenges

Southeast Utah’s towering mesas and lush canyons hold a special place in Louis Williams’ heart. As a Diné (Navajo) native, he grew up surrounded by the Indigenous languages and natural beauty of his ancestral land, instilling in him a profound respect for its fragile ecosystem and cultural heritage. Through his tour guide company, Ancient Wayves River & Hiking Adventures, Williams hopes to provide visitors with an unforgettable and immersive experience that showcases the profound interconnection between Native culture and the natural world, uplifting the voices of Indigenous peoples that have been marginalized for far too long.

Palermo Success Story

Palermo Union Elementary School District (PUESD) was struggling with very limited access to drinking water on some of its campuses.

Rural communities fighting climate change struggle to meet federal grant requirements

According to a recent Headwaters Economics study, rural communities struggle to proactively combat climate change due to the difficulties they face when applying for federal grants. This is largely because local match requirements stand as an obstacle, or often a complete deterrent, for rural and under-resourced communities looking to access federal funds.

RCAC Interview: Idaho USDA Rural Development Director Rudy Soto

RCAC presents a series of discussions with state directors for United States Department of Agriculture Rural Development (USDA RD). The series will provide a glimpse at USDA RD’s priorities and how state directors hope to assist rural communities in our region. In this issue, we spoke to Rudy Soto, State Director, USDA Rural Development-Idaho.