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Based on “Network News”.

Network News June 2024

In this issue: RCAC helps Guam subdivisions fight for basic infrastructure and housing after typhoon, RCAC trains leaders to expand affordable mortgage access in Indigenous communities, training highlights and more!

Network News May 2024

In this issue: NDN Eggs Cracks Local Market, RCAC RELieF Loan Fund, training highlights and more!

Network News April 2024

In this issue: RCAC 2023 Annual Report, Creating the Mora County Alliance, Nevada USDA Rural Development Director, training highlights and more!

Network News March 2024

In this issue: Insights from Willcox, HUD Awards over $396,000 to RCAC, Ari Neumann, training highlights and more!

Network News February 2024

In this issue: RCAC interviews Patricia Dominguez, New Mexico USDA Rural Development Director; stories from New Mexico; training highlights and more!