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Based on “Network News”.

Network News October 2015

Who are these women? – The story of Donna Schroeder’s life until now-she is 76-can be told with chicken scratches carved into a small wooden block, an engraving that hangs amid dozens of others just like it in Elmo’s Highwood Bar in Highwood, Montana.

Network News September 2015

Several areas across the rural West saw noticeable gains in employment in the year preceding June 2015, but others, such as Alaska, suffered losses in the same period, keeping that state’s jobless rate above the national average.

Network News August 2015

Driving on a weekday morning through this remote enclave of mobile homes, bodegas, squat adobe health clinics and Pentecostal chapels, one wonders: “Where are all the people?”

Network News July 2015

In the late 1960s, local leaders in the Napa Valley looked to the future and saw it was green. Or, at least, they were determined that it would stay that way.

Network News June 2015

On the windy plains of the Crow Reservation in southern Montana, young men scramble across scaffolding amid massive fans and turbines, measuring door widths and sweeping the cement floors across this dusty construction site.