Dear Sher,

Was Self-Help Appendix 13 recently updated? I thought it was, but I can’t find a version that incorporates those changes.

Updated or Not?


Dear Updated or Not,

There have been a couple recent updates to Handbook-1-3550, Appendix 13, Self-Help Housing and yes, the most current version wasn’t on the Direct Loan Application Packagers page or in Handbook-1-3550 right away but, it has all been incorporated now.

Those recent changes included the following:

  • Previous guidance directed staff to base the loan amount on historic self-help build cost or the average cost of contractor-built home. This practice is outdated as build costs are ever-changing and basing loan amounts on historic builds may not be appropriate. The new direction is to base the loan amount on the estimated cost to build as requested in the loan package.
  • New instruction was added to direct staff to base loan amounts for acquisition rehab type projects either on the cost to purchase and repair or the maximum eligibility considering any compensating factors or a 38-year terms (if applicable).
  • New instruction was added to direct staff to base the loan/grant amount for an owner-occupied rehab project on the estimated cost to repair the homes as requested in the application package.

The most recent version of Appendix 13 is available here.

Dear Sher


Also in this issue of Self-Help Builder: