A recently released study highlights critical factors for successful economic development in rural communities, including flexibility in the workplace and expanding reliable broadband access.

Daily Yonder reports that the research, published in “Rural rising: Economic development strategies for America’s heartland,” focuses on questions relating to tradeable industries or sectors, labor force and digital connectivity.

“We always talk about them in balance, because any strategy that focuses too much on one and ignores the other over time, will sort of get a little bit out of balance,” said Rachel Riley, an associate partner at management consulting firm McKinsey.

Researchers examined the complex mosaic of local economies and found that one-size-fits-all approaches to rural economic development are unsuitable. However, some elements of rural success are consistent across the board, such as big-push investment, placemaking, small- and medium-sized business attraction and retention, attracting remote workers and broadening healthcare access.

To read the full story, go here: https://dailyyonder.com/rural-rising-paper-examines-what-makes-a-thriving-rural-america/2022/05/19/