
Native American Water Masters Association

Native American Water Masters Association, or NAWMA trainings are a forum for Tribal water operators to examine and improve water system roles and responsibilities. Members promote professionalism through training, education and communication. NAWMA is an active association serving Tribal utilities. The forum provides operator training, professional development education credits for operator certification renewal and the opportunity to discuss topics chosen by the local NAWMA association in a roundtable setting.

Operators and utility staff often have little opportunity in workshops to actually share knowledge, discuss topics, and develop partnerships with other utilities. NAWMA provides this opportunity to not only enhance operational skills and receive training on current topics, but to share stories, information, concerns, and ideas for future NAWMA gatherings.

RCAC receives U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 9 funding and U.S. Department of Agriculture support.

If you are interested in more information or how to build a NAWMA complete our Request for Assistance.