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  • Hawaii to decommission five telescopes following protests

    Protests of the planned “Thirty Meter Telescope” on the Mauna Kea mountain summit gained national attention last year. Hawaiians sought to prevent the telescope’s construction because the location is on land that some native Hawaiians consider sacred.

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  • Posted in: Network News

    Network News January 2020

    Suzanne Anarde may be barely into her third month as CEO, but she’s no stranger to RCAC, and she’s a nonprofit veteran. Her record speaks for itself: from managing her first community development block grant budget to exceed that of the local government that funded it, all the way to growing an all-star team at Rural Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC). Anarde is, however, very transparent about just how much there is to learn.

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  • Tips for managing a mobile-home park utility

    Managing a water and/or wastewater system is an often overlooked and overwhelming aspect of mobile-home park ownership. If you just purchased a mobile-home park, there’s a strong chance you also just became the park’s de facto water and/or wastewater systems operations manager.

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