News & Publications

  • Self-Help Builder Sept. 2016 Volume 9, Issue #4

    As we have reported, Rural Development (RD) has announced a pilot to use the “banded” method to determine low- and very low income status in 23 states and territories across the country. Arizona, California, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah and Washington are the six western states where this pilot will be tested for the next two years.

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  • Posted in: Network News

    Network News August 2016

    Coachella Valley Agua4All program evaluation shows increased water consumption: More than one million Californians lack access to safe drinking water—a little known fact in a state bountiful in agriculture and renowned for its technological industry. For these Californians, the only alternatives to unsafe water are expensive bottled water or sugary beverages, and at a time when one in three Latinos and nearly half of California adults are pre-diabetic.

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  • Posted in: Network News

    Network News July 2016

    Three Rivers, Calif. – The 2,600 residents who call Three Rivers home take pride in the peaceful landscape near Sequoia National Park. … Despite its beautiful surroundings, it became clear two years ago that a small Three Rivers community’s water supply was in danger, so residents called on Rural Community Assistance Corporation for help.

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  • Posted in: Network News

    Network News June 2016

    It has been nearly a year since a massive wildfire burned through Middletown in Lake County, California, enough time it would seem for some rebuilding and renewal. But the breadth of the devastation in this rugged area … has left seemingly irreversible scars.

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  • Self-Help Builder June 2016 Volume 9, Issue #3

    About 4,800 miles off the shores of Seattle, Marshall Islands Development Bank (MIDB) recently celebrated the completion of 100 self-help homes.

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