Success Stories

  • Round Valley Indian Tribe

    The Round Valley Indian Tribe is a federally recognized Tribe. Its Reservation in Northern California was established in 1856. According to the 2000 U.S. Census, the Tribe’s total resident population is about 300, of whom 99 live in the town of Covelo. The next nearest town is Willits, which is about a 45-minute drive from the Reservation. Most residents live at or below the poverty level.

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  • Robbins Elementary School

    The school gets its water from the Sutter County Waterworks District, which has one groundwater well, a backup well and a storage tank to serve the community of just more than 300 people. The well system treats for iron and manganese but there are high arsenic levels in the groundwater. As a result, it is unsafe for students to drink.

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  • Hualapai Tribe participates in THE Academy

    The Hualapai Tribe is in northwest Arizona and members number about 2,300, with a median age of 25.4 years. The Tribe’s median household income is $36,250. According to the Tribe’s leaders, housing for low-income members is a primary concern.

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  • Hualapai Tribe puts THE Academy training into practice

    Peach Springs, AZ – In August 2016, Jamie Navenma drew on his nearly 25 years of experience working in Tribal homeownership as he surveyed housing on the Hualapai Indian Reservation in northwestern Arizona. What he saw both encouraged and distressed him.

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  • Environmental Finance Center

    During the next 20 years, $600 billion in infrastructure projects need to be completed to protect public health, yet budget constraints are an increasing reality. One solution is EFC.

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