Success Stories

  • Curlew Kai Homeowner’s Association

    Curlew Kai Homeowner’s Association applied for funding through the U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Development (USDA RD) grant and loan program to make much needed improvements to its water system. The funds were approved, but in order to proceed, CK needed to comply with USDA’s letter of conditions, including design and engineering. RCAC’s Loan Fund, which provided a feasibility loan before the grant application was submitted, provided a second $105,000 loan to complete the required design and engineering.

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  • Kunia Village

    When Del Monte closed its pineapple farming operations in Oahu more than 600 people living in Kunia Village were in jeopardy of losing their homes.

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  • Kauai Habitat for Humanity

    On Kaua’i buildable land is in short supply, and energy and living costs are steep. There is a severe lack of affordable housing options for low-income households.

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  • Agua4All – South Kern County

    Through the Agua4All program, RCAC has installed water bottle filling stations in Kern County and distributed reusable water bottles to students. To date, Agua4All has installed 138 water bottle filling stations, with treatment where necessary, in Kern County alone.

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  • Town of Mora, Building Rural Economies (BRE)

    Mora County residents are very concerned about their land and its pristine location at the head of five watersheds. Climate change, extreme drought, imminent catastrophic forest fires, and the incursion of oil and gas corporations all threaten the health of the watersheds and the local people. Mora County’s population of 5,000 is very low-income, primarily Hispanic and Native American descent, and geographically isolated. In 2013, RCAC established its Building Rural Economies (BRE) program …

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