Success Stories

  • Dreams become reality in zero energy affordable homes

    In the late 1970s, Barbara Miller was a newspaper reporter writing about Missoula and Butte, Montana, and as such, she paid attention to all sorts of trends—from the local and national economy, to housing, to scientific breakthroughs. As it turned out, her reporting and stories eventually intersected when she came across some technological research that would have a significant real-world impact in Butte.

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  • Community Rebuilds continues to break the mold for self-help housing

    Moab, Utah –Emily Niehaus happily acknowledges she took a circuitous route to become a housing advocate. She tallies her master’s degree in applied sociology and following that, stints as a loan officer, bookkeeper and case worker. “But those three jobs really pointed me in the direction of affordable housing,” says the founder and director of Community Rebuilds.

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  • Regional approach to studying woody biomass reflects spirit of Mora County

    Mora County, New Mexico is known for its independence and indomitable spirit. With a history steeped in ruffians and rogues this southwestern enclave of feisty individualists has an agrarian background dating back hundreds, even thousands, of years to the conquistadores and before that, to Native Americans.

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  • Keno, Oregon

    The water system was undercharging customers and was unable to pay for its operational and maintenance expenses, forcing it to rely on its reserves. RCAC staff analyzed Keno’s water rates and assisted board members in passing a rate increase.

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  • California household well loan program

    During California’s recent record breaking drought individual wells have failed and owners need funding to drill new wells. RCAC provides financing to help homeowners replace and repair wells and our environmental staff provide well assessments and workshops.

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