Success Stories

  • Coachella Valley Agua4All program evaluation shows increased water consumption

    Agua4All spotlights the lack of safe drinking water access in schools and communities, and encourages unique public-private partnerships to increase access and promote consumption. The idea is simple—install water bottle filling stations where they are needed most, such as in schools and community centers, and include water treatment where necessary. The project has attracted national attention and enjoyed great success—so much so that it is now set to expand beyond the pilot areas …

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  • Mosca, Colorado

    RCAC conducted a rate study that allowed the community to access grants and loans to replace its aging wastewater system, which threatened the community’s drinking water supplies.

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  • Lybrook water system

    Lybrook Water Users Association was out of compliance and suffered from severe revenue decreases and management problems. With RCAC’s assistance the system is in compliance and on its way to financial sustainability.

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  • Nevada Rural Housing – Larios Arms

    RCAC’s Loan Fund provided gap financing to Nevada Rural Housing, Inc. for a low-income senior housing complex.

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  • Lake Morena’s Oak Shores Mutual Water Company

    RCAC’s Loan Fund provided a $32,100 predevelopment loan so Lake Morena’s Oak Shores MWC could apply for state funding to to replace distribution pipelines to improve drinking water quality.

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