Success Stories

  • Fairbanks Nonprofit Retrofit Pilot Program

    RCAC provided a $100,000 loan to purchase and install two new high efficiency boilers. The new boilers provide heat—and the organization saved enough in energy costs to repay the loan in just four years.

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  • RurAL CAP

    RCAC works with RurAL CAP to strengthen its U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Mutual Self-Help Housing Program.

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  • Oscarville, Alaska

    RCAC staff helped Tribal leaders to access grant funds and participated in a collaborative planning effort to develop short- and long-term goals.

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  • Improving operations in Hooper Bay, Alaska

    RCAC provided training to help the community better manage the dis­posal site and institute a community trash collection service.

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  • City of Kittitas

    RCAC’s Loan Fund provided a $70,000 intermediate term loan to the city of Kittatis to finance construction of a 2,400 square foot maintenance and storage shop to house the city’s utility service equipment.

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