Success Stories

  • Town of Mora Leadership Training

    Like many small, low-income rural communities, the same three people in Mora seemed to do everything. However, these folks recognized the need to expand the supply of leaders and build cohesion among a new leadership group to meet current challenges and start promising new endeavors.

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  • Taos County Water Systems’ Management Collaborative Entity

    Regional collaboration among rural communities is an innovative way to help small water and/or wastewater systems maintain compliance, improve aging infrastructure and become financially sustainable.

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  • Tribal water rate implementation results in water conservation

    Water rates are tricky, especially when a well-established water system has no rate structure in place. A rate increase is a tough sell to any community, and it often fails to win support. This article looks at how one small tribal community addressed water rates and ultimately succeeded.

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  • Campesinos Sin Fronteras

    Campesinos Sin Fronteras (CSF) is a nonprofit organization that serves migrant and seasonal farm workers and low-income community members in Yuma County, Arizona. Farmworkers often work seven days a week but do not have sufficient incomes to meet their needs, including critical housing repair. CSF runs is a self-help housing rehabilitation program that provides low and zero interest loans to low-income homeowners and seniors to make repairs to their homes.

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